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Upload & Share Files For Free

"No Registration Required"

From files, images, music, video, source code and more – QuickShare is a free and easy way to share your data

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Upload files for free, without registration
QuickShare makes file sharing and storage easy and straightforward. Our encrypted cloud storage uses the latest security techniques to keep your data safe and protected at all times. Create a link to share files for free and seamlessly.

Upload any file type

There are no restrictions on the type of file you can upload to our free filesharing platform. The only limit we put in place is a 100MB max filesize for free users for now.

We’re always thinking outside of the box to remain one step ahead of our competitors, making our file upload system the best.

No pop ups, no malware

Fed up of pop-up ads, push notifications, malware, bitcoin miners and ‘quizzes’ that could infect your laptop or desktop with malware? So are we, which is why you will never see any of these on QuickShare. Too many file hosting platforms are driven by profit, which means your safety comes a distant second. For us it’s the other way round, giving you the confidence that you can remain safe no matter how long you spend on our file upload site..

Our Features


Drag & Drop Friendly

The online sharing of files should be easy, so all you have to do is drag and drop your files into our file uploader and we’ll create a shareable URL.


Unlimited Bandwidth

We never limit the bandwidth or the amount of downloads your file can receive. We just let you share files for free without restriction.


No Signup Required

You can enjoy our full file sharing features, but you can also simply upload and share without register, anonymously.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can either drag and drop them into the uploader, or click the browse file box to select the file you want. Once the file upload is complete, we then give you a unique URL which can be shared with anyone else you want to access it.

Yes, the core file hosting services are completely free to everyone, with no hidden costs involved.

If you have received a unique upload file URL, simply click the “download” button.

There is no limitation on the type of files you can upload. Whether you’re an image or video uploader, as long as no laws are being broken, you are free to use the service to upload files of any kind.

Your files will remain online for 1 days.